Pixelsphere (Android) software


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Pixelsphere for Android - Download the APK from Habererciyes

Quote from the software “Pixelsphere (Android)”

Pixelsphere is a 3D puzzle game with the same premise as Polysphere, except instead of polygons, these puzzles are pixelated. With a minimalist design and plenty of color, you can play tons of free levels in this pixelated 360-degree puzzle game.


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: Pixelsphere (Android) software

More information “Pixelsphere (Android)”

    Package Name com.playgendary.pixelsphere License Free Op. System Android Category Arcade Language English Author Playgendary Downloads 795 Date May 14, 2019 Content Rating All ages Why is this app published on Habererciyes? (More information)
  • Release Date: May 14, 2019

Pixelsphere (Android) software credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Pixelsphere (Android) software

Pixelsphere (Android) of the Released in Downloads 795

[Software “Pixelsphere (Android)” with perfect software]

Pixelsphere is a 3D puzzle game with the same premise as Polysphere, except instead of polygons, these puzzles are pixelated. With a minimalist design and plenty of color, you can play tons of free levels in this pixelated 360-degree puzzle game.

When you start Pixelsphere, you'll see a screen full of colorful pixels. You have to rotate these pixels in every direction to find the hidden image. As you solve puzzles, they'll be saved to your gallery of completed puzzles, although you can solve the same puzzle as many times as you want.

In the beginning, the puzzles are easy, but as you continue, the puzzles grow increasingly more difficult. You can also use hints when you've rotated the pixels too many times without finding the hidden image. The hint is a bar that tells you whether you're getting closer or further away from discovering the solution.

Pixelsphere is the perfect game for relaxing while also challenging yourself with colorful 3D puzzles. And once you solve a puzzle, you can even share the hidden image with your friends.

Pixelsphere is a puzzle game that takes the innovative premise of Polysphere and adds a third dimension for a little extra challenge.

Download Pixelsphere for Android - Download the APK from Habererciyes